Other Services

Leaf Tissue Analysis

Leaf tissue analysis offers the grower the opportunity to investigate any potential growing problems. The analysis enables growers to determine if there are any nutrient deficiencies which may affect the crop. As well as a standard leaf tissue analysis we also offer a wide range of trace element analyses.

All samples must be accompanied by a completed field form to facilitate prompt and efficient processing. A representative leaf tissue sample is required. A preferred sample weight is 0.5kg.


Manure is a valuable resource. Its application provides nutrients for crop production and improves soil structure as well as water holding capacity. It can reduce the amount of commercial fertiliser needed to maximise yield.

All samples must be accompanied by a completed field form to facilitate prompt and efficient processing. the preferred sample weight is 1kg.

Compost Analysis

Compost analysis provides a measure of the quantity of nutrients available to the plant.

Water soluble analysis offers growers and compost producers the chance to check levels of freshly made products.

Total nutrient analysis gives the grower an indication as to what is still left in the prills to release nutrients into the plants.

The preferred sample weight is 1kg.

Water and Liquid Feed Analysis

With the ever increasing accreditation and audit schemes, the requirement for water analysis has grown. We offer a full range of water analyses to accommodate all needs.

All liquid feed and water samples must be accompanied by a completed field form to facilitate prompt and efficient processing. The minimum sample volume is 0.5 litre, however we prefer 1 litre to analyse.

Grain Analysis

We offer eleven analyses for merchants and growers to assess grain quality and market value.

All samples must be accompanied by a completed field form to facilitate prompt and efficient processing. The preferred sample weight is 0.5kg.



Download ASA Miscellaneous Field FormDownload ASA Compost Field Form

Samples provided must be taken correctly and representative of the area sampled.

Sample bags and water bottles are available from the laboratory, please ask for the details.